Avenged Sevenfold


The members of metalcore outfit Avenged Sevenfold (or A7X) were still attending high school in Huntington Beach, CA, when they formed their band in 1999. Nevertheless, it didn't take long for M. Shadows (vocals), Zacky Vengeance (guitar), Synyster Gates (guitar), the Reverend (drums), and Johnny Christ (bass) to make an impression with their aggressive hybrid of metal, hard rock, and punk-pop. The band made its official debut in July 2001, releasing Sounding the Seventh Trumpet on the Good Life label before moving to the Hopeless roster for 2003's Waking the Fallen. Warner Bros. took interest in the band's aggressive sound and issued its breakthrough release, City of Evil, in June 2005. The album reached number 30 on Billboard's Top 200, propelled in part by the Top Ten success of the single "Bat Country." The accompany music video was heavily rotated on MTV and Fuse, where live appearances also helped boost Avenged's growing profile, and the band ultimately won the Best New Artist Award (though they were hardly newcomers) at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards.

As demand for their music increased, Avenged Sevenfold canceled their tour dates for fall 2006 and set to work on a fourth studio album. Boasting a grittier sound than previous releases, the self-titled/self-produced disc appeared in October 2007, debuting at number four on the Billboard Top 200 and spinning off the radio single "Almost Easy." The album also fared well in England, where three songs cracked the Top Five of the U.K. rock charts, and Avenged Sevenfold helped support the release by touring North America on the Taste of Chaos tour. Released in September 2008, the CD/DVD package Live in the LBC and Diamonds in the Rough captured the band during a tour stop in Long Beach. In 2009 the band announced plans to begin work on its third studio release. That same year, drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan passed away at the age of 28. In 2010 the band released Nightmare with replacement drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater). ~ Christina Fuoco, Rovi

General Info:

Genre: Metal / Rock
Location Huntington Beach, California, Un
Profile Views: 50119731
Last Login: 6/25/2011
Member Since 7/9/2005
Record Label WBR; Management: Larry Jacobson/The Collective
Type of Label Major

Download Album "City Of Evil 2005"
Download Album "Nightmare 2010"

Rise to Remain


Created on the streets of London in 2008, Rise To Remain, a five piece metal band storming from the heart of the UK, have begun to make their mark. Having toured with bands such as Trivium, Five Finger Death Punch, Shadows Fall, The Haunted and played festivals such as Download and Sonisphere, the band are no strangers to the live circuit.

After forming out of the ashes of former projects and gaining a fanbase through their DIY touring schedule, the band's first official live outing as "Rise To Remain" was Download Festival '08, where they opened the third stage. This slot led to greater things, with the band finding an agent in Paul Ryan (The Agency Group), and creating a gateway to many touring opportunities. Citing influences from all corners of the metal spectrum, the band play their own brand of melodic metal with tinges of thrash and rock.

After spending September-October 2009 in the studio with Justin Hill and Dan Weller of WellerHill productions, the band have emerged with their debut release showcasing their multi-textured sound, a mini-album due to be released in 2010.

With their debut release looming, and a rigorous touring cycle, keep your eyes on the horizon, because Rise To Remain are coming to you.

General Info:

Genre: Metal / Thrash
Location London, Please select your region., Un
Profile Views: 428890
Last Login: 6/13/2011
Member Since 11/26/2006
Website coming soon!
Record Label TBC
Type of Label Unsigned

Download Album "Rise To Remain"
Download Album "Bridges Will Burn"

7 Patung Terkenal di Dunia


Moai adalah patung monolitik yang terletak di Pulau Paskah, salah satu pulau paling terpencil di Bumi. Patung terkenal tersebut dipahat oleh penjajah pulau Polinesia, di antara sekitar tahun 1250 M dan 1500 AD. Selain mewakili nenek moyang almarhum, moai juga mungkin telah dianggap sebagai perwujudan hidup kuat . Patung-patung itu berdiri ketika Eropa pertama mengunjungi pulau.

2.Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer adalah sebuah patung Yesus Kristus di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Terletak di puncak sekitar 700 meter (2.300 kaki) dari gunung Corcovado, di atas gunung tersebut kita bisa melihat panorama yg indah sekali dari atas sana. Patung ini menjadi symbol agama Kristen dan menjadi ikon Brazil.

3.Statue of Liberty

Patung Liberty, adalah hadiah dari rakyat Perancis untuk merayakan seratus tahun penandatanganan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat, berdiri diatas Liberty Island dan merupakan salah satu simbol paling terkenal di dunia. Ia mewakili seorang wanita yang mengenakan stola, sebuah mahkota bercahaya dan sandal, menginjak-injak rantai rusak, membawa obor di tangan kanan mengangkat dan tablet ansata tabula. Pembangunan patung itu diselesaikan di Perancis pada bulan Juli 1884 dan tiba di New York Harbor pada tahun berikutnya.

4.Great Sphinx

Terletak di dataran tinggi Giza di Mesir, The Great Sphinx adalah salah satu patung terbesar dan tertua di dunia, kapan dan siapa yang membuat patung ini masih diperdebatkan. Ini adalah patung monolit terbesar di dunia meskipun jauh lebih kecil dari Piramida di sekitarnya. Meskipun bukti yang bertentangan dengan sudut pandang selama bertahun-tahun, pandangan tradisional yang dimiliki oleh Egyptologists modern pada umumnya tetap bahwa Sphinx Agung ini dibangun pada sekitar 2500 SM oleh Khafre firaun.

5.David Statue

David adalah sebuah karya patung Renaissance dipahat oleh Michelangelo 1501-1504. 5.17 meter (17 kaki) patung marmer menggambarkan Raja Daud telanjang. Untuk melindunginya dari kerusakan, patung terkenal ini pada tahun 1873 dipindahkan ke Galeri Accademia di Florence di Italia, di mana menarik banyak pengunjung. Sebuah replika ditempatkan di Piazza della Signoria, di lokasi asli.

6.Mount Nemrut

Nemrut adalah gunung yang tinggi di Turki tenggara, dekat kota Adıyaman. Pada 62 SM, Patung Raja Antiokhus I Theos dari Commagene dibangun di atas gunung-tempat kudus makam diapit oleh patung-patung besar (8-9 m/26-30 ft tinggi) dari dirinya sendiri, dua singa, dua elang dan berbagai Yunani, dan dewa-dewa Persia.

7.Olmec Heads

Olmec heads merupakan patung Pra-Columbus peradaban kuno yang ada di dataran rendah tropis di Meksiko selatan-pusat. Peradaban Olmec berkembang secara kasar dari 1400 SM sampai sekitar 400 SM. Aspek yang paling dikenal dari peradaban Olmec adalah kepala helm besar. Kepala dianggap sebagai potret penguasa, . Ada 17 kepala kolosal digali hingga saat ini.

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